Priority Placement
Priority placement gets you more visibility guaranteed! In addition to home page listing rotation, Featured Companies are listed above basic listings in ALL search results. Featured listings get an average of 18x more views than basic listings.

Enhanced Company Profile Page
Each company listed in our directory has a company profile page which includes your company name, address and phone as well as a map and website address. As a featured company you have access to our enhanced features such as logo upload, multiple photo options, special offers, social media options, Yelp control and more!

Special Offers
Offering a special offer or discount is a great way to encourage new customers to call or visit your business. We make it easy for you to add a special offer to your profile page and even share it with your own followers via Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter and more.

Mobile “Near Me” Functionality
Whether a user wants to find a business within walking distance of their house or is traveling across the country and wants to find a Brewery near their location in Austin, TX, our mobile technology helps users do just that.

Social Media
If your company has a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page we can help connect you with new fans. Our featured company profiles include links to all of your social media pages.

No Long Term Contracts
Pay monthly. Cancel anytime. It’s that simple. When we set out to build our specialized industry directories, we did so with the goal of creating an affordable way for businesses to reach a targeted audience. We’ve created a directory that is simple for businesses to manage on their own with technology that makes our process more efficient so we can pass on the savings to our advertisers.